성령, 나의 가장 친한 친구

(Holy Spirit, my best friend)

Produced By One Of The Best Musical Producers: Victor Castillo

Miami, Fl 10/13/2015

성령, 나의 가장 친한 친구

it is a musical experience that creates a special connection with the Holy Spirit of God.

성령, 나의 가장 친한 친구

It is the first musical work inspired to bring the presence of the Holy Spirit into our lives.

You can feel that peace that surpasses all human understanding. When the Holy Spirit is our best friend, the fruits of the Holy Spirit itself manifest in our lives as great blessings.

"Holy Spirit, My Best Friend" was recorded, mixed and mastered at Mango Studios Miami between September 2015 and October 2015

Immersive Mix, Remastered and Released Exclusively at Band Camp on Sep 8, 2022

©2022 ASCAP Victor Castillo & Milagros Salazar

Music Digital Distribution

The project is now available on all major digital music distribution platforms such as BandCamp, YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple, amazon and more.

Victor Castillo

Víctor Castillo, with more than 40 years of experience and recognized career as a music producer specializing in advertising and marketing. Víctor Castillo and the composer Milagros Salazar, release the Album "Holy Spirit, my best friend" with immersive mix and exclusive remastered for BandCamp.